Backup PremiSys 4.2 and Up with a Custom Password
Backup PremiSys 4.2 and up with a custom password

If you set a custom password to your backup file PDC IDenticard can not retrieve your password.
To back up the PremiSys system with a custom password:
- Go to Tools pull-down menu
- Select “Backup / Restore”
- Choose Backup radio button
- Click on “Browse” and browse to a location and enter a Destination file name
- Uncheck “No Password”
- Enter a Password in the Password field and Confirm Password field
- Click on “Backup” button
- Accept the warning if you want to use a non-default backup password.
- Once the backup finishes, you have an option to save the log file for reference. The log file is not necessary to restore the backup.
- Close the Backup Utility window