How to Install a PremiSys Client

PremiSys Client Installation

First time Client Install and checking SQL

If this is the first client install for the company the first thing you have to do is make sure that the sql server is going to allow the connection.

  1. On the computer that is has the database on it browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server where there should be a folder with the sql servers name on it.
  2. Take notice if the sql folder ends in 10 or 12 as shown.
  3. Open the start menu and type SQLSERVERMANAGER10.msc if you have MSSQL10_50 or SQLSERVERMANAGER12.msc and hit enter this will open up the sql configuration manager. 
  4. Once open click on the arrow next to SQL Server Network Configuration and click on the appropriate sql server. Make sure that Named Pipes and TCP/IP is enabled if it is not right click and select enable.
  5. Once enabled select SQL Server Services make sure the SQL Server Browser service is running and it not start it.
  6. Once you have started the Browser Services and enabled the TCP/IP and Named Pipes you are ready to run the client install.
  7. Extract the file you downloaded and click on setup.exe.
  8. Click next, accept the license agreement and Click next.
  9. Select Client – workstation only and click next, then click next for the PremiSys file location. 
  10. For the next part you will need the database location.
    This can be found by going to the server and browsing to C:\Program Files (x86)\IDenticard locate the localconfigV2.config file, right click and open with notepad.
    The Database location can be seen under the cardholdersDB_server value as shown below. 
  11. Once entered click next.

    If the sql server has the IDenticard instance as shown above it is likely our default installation and will authenticate SQL automatically, proceed to step 12. If not it will bring you to a server authentication page as shown here.
    Select SQL Authentication and enter the SQL credentials to authenticate to the SQL being used. Then click test connection the account will authenticate. Click Next.
  12. This will bring you to the services location as shown below.
    This can be found by going to the server and browsing to C:\Program Files (x86)\IDenticard locate the localconfigV2.config file, right click and open with notepad.
    The Services location can be seen under the ServerOnly_ServicesServerHost value as shown below.
  13. Once entered click next and click install. Click Finish to close the installer window.

You already have clients installed

If you already have clients setup and know the server name follow these instructions.

  1. Download the software and Extract (Unzip) the software. – Right click and select extract all. Once the files are extracted. Double click the setup.exe file.
    On the first screen accept the terms of license agreement and click next.
  2. On the next window select Client – Workstation only and click next.
  3. Install location- The program installs to C:\Program Files (x86)\IDenticard\ by default. Change the location or  click next.
  4. Select Database server: In this Window delete out the database server name and type in your database server and instance. Example: SQLServerName\InstanceName or IPAddress\Instancename
    If you are not using an instance name just type in the server name or IP address. Click Next.
  5. Database Credentials Window: If the Database Server name is the default it should authenticate SQL automatically. Otherwise select SQL Authentication as seen below and enter the login credentials for the SQL being used. Click test connection, a green check will appear. Click next.
  6. Identicard services location: This will show the local computer name, delete out the name and type the hostname of your application server and then select Next.
  7. The setup is now ready to install. Click install
  8. The installation will run and you will see this window when it is finished.
  9. The PremiSys installation is now complete. Click Finish to close the installer window.

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