How to Replace Image or Logo on Card Design

How to Replace Image or Logo on Card Design

  1. Open Card design - Click Tasks - Card Design Home
  2. Double-click on the card design you wish to modify. The card design will open in the edit view.
  3. Click the existing image or logo and highlight it. You will see dots around the image when it is selected.
  4. Look to the right under “Properties” and click on the word “Image”.  Click on the button that appears with the 3 dots.
  5. Browse to the new image. When browsing, the software automatically looks for .bmp files. If your image is not a .bmp file, change the view to “All Files”. The file type used must be a .bmp, .jpg, or .jpeg.
  6. Select the new image and hit OK. This replaces the old image.
  7. Save Changes by clicking the blue diskette at the top of the card designer.

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